Our Partners

The Matriarch Society has served the Los Angeles County area over the past five years, and has provided services to shelters in the Long Beach, California, area such as “The Lydia’s House” and “His Nesting Place.” These are facilities that house a population of women, who have been challenged in the area of: domestic violence, substance abuse issues, single parenting and unemployment. The Matriarch Society has also volunteered and collaborated with Resurrection Church and “Habitat for Humanity,” with their “Sweat Equity” program, which builds affordable homes for low income families in the Los Angeles community. The Matriarch Society has conducted parenting classes for Crystal Stairs, with related topics such as: “Time Management,” “Stress Reduction,” and “Effective Discipline.”

Past Events

335 E. Albertoni St. #200-760 Carson, CA 90746  |  424-666-8571   |  Drkimberly@matriarchsociety.org